How a classified ad ended a thirty-year war with toenail fungus

5 min readMar 8, 2021
Kerry — ToeFX patient

During ToeFX’s clinical trials I’ve had the privilege of meeting some amazing people and listening to our patients’ stories. But Kerry stands out in many ways. Her positivity, smile, and bubbly mannerisms are contagious. She can brighten any room with her humour and spirit. Along with her contagious spirit unfortunately Kerry also had contagious toes — for over 3 decades she suffered from toenail fungus. Kerry’s story — her passion and energy — deserves to be heard. Recently, we had a chat with Kerry to learn more about her “glass half full” philosophy. . Here are some interesting sound bites.

ToeFX: So Kerry let’s start at the very beginning how did you find out ToeFX?

Kerry: I was suffering from Toenail fungus from when I was in my thirties. I am retired now, so you do the math (laughing). I had taken every treatment known to mankind and when I first saw an ad in the classifieds of my local newspaper I thought to myself, let me try this one more thing. I had zero expectations. It was a case of “no loss” and if it doesn’t work “I am no further ahead”. Honestly, because I had taken so many different treatments and nothing had worked, I was resigned to the fate that this was a lifelong sentence. I would never be able to wear sandals or have the confidence to stand in front of people showing my bare feet. I was sentenced to wearing socks and covered shoes all the time.

ToeFX: Is toenail fungus such a big problem? How was it impacting your quality of life?

Kerry: I agree, it is not “stop my life situation” and can probably be overcome with nail polish but it is much, much more than just that. It is a nagging thought, a nagging fear that I will infect my family with this dreaded life sentence. It is the inconvenience of having separate bathrooms, it is the painful thought that summer fashion is not an option. You may feel great about everything but then:

Darn! Those toes. I need to make sure I hide them”.

Can you believe, I had not worn sandals my entire life and dreaded going for pedicures out of fear that the aesthetician would say something nasty. It is very difficult for someone not suffering from this fungus to understand the psychological damage this causes. One of the biggest fears is being contagious and harming your loved ones. I almost never went barefoot my entire life because of fears that I may be harming my family.

ToeFX: Have you tried other treatments before ClearToe? Any home remedies? What was the outcome?

Kerry: “Been there, done that”. I have tried everything and could probably write a book on treatments that don’t work. The money you could save would justify not buying a lottery ticket ever. I consulted with my family physician and have taken all kinds of treatment. I guess other than laser I have tried almost everything. The only reason I did not try laser treatments was that it was expensive and not guaranteed. I cannot justify spending so much money on one toe and then continuing it for other infected nails. Doesn’t make sense.

ToeFX: What do you think of the ToeFX treatment?

Kerry: It is the first thing that ever worked. I had suffered from this dreaded thing for decades and when I heard about this, I thought to myself “What can it hurt?”. It was low risk, safe, Health Canada approved, and painless. I was 100% neutral when I started this. I knew it was not complicated, or time-consuming and was not going to take a chunk out of my life in terms of time needed for treatment. What also gave me peace of mind was that it is Health Canada approved and the gals were professional. It was not like some shady treatment happening in a back alley with lizards and spiders (laughing). I knew I was dealing with scientists who know what they are doing. I found them to be extremely humble and patient. I loved how they explained complex science terms in simple language I understood.

Kerry’s toe before and after f

I consider myself a success story when I now look at my clear toenails. I cannot believe I got rid of toenail fungus and it is my own feet! For someone suffering from this dreaded fungus all their life this is nothing short of a miracle. When I started the treatment, I asked the gals at the lab about how severe my case was and laughed when they said, “This is a severe case”. Of course, I knew it already. I lived with this a major chunk of my life I cannot believe that this summer I will finally get to match my girlfriends with fancy toenails and sparkles on them. Oh! the joy of finally getting to wear golf sandals. I cannot wait to jump in line to buy them as soon as the stores open with their summer collections. Golf sandals and pedicure — I am so happy.

I cannot believe, I got rid of toenail fungus and it is my own feet!

ToeFX: If there’s one thing you would like to tell those suffering from Toenail fungus what would it be?

Kerry: Don’t be embarrassed. Remember we are not talking about this disgusting thing on your toe but a fungal infection. This thing works. The few trips to your clinic are totally worth it when you can end up with amazing toenails and no fungus. Yes, it is a few trips but in the end, it is a success and that is what matters.

Kerry’s success story is not unique. While her case was a severe one the treatment results are quite typical. If you would like to learn more about ClearToe light therapy and how it may be a safe and painless treatment for toenail fungus please send us a note at




Founded by scientists, creating #technology that works. ClearToe Therapy, the only #photodisinfection system approved for #onychomycosis treatment in #Canada.👣